Gift Cards

Uber Eats

Uber Eats




The Uber Eats app is the easy and reliable way to get the food you want, delivered fast and fresh. Tap the app and pick from hundreds of full menus from local restaurants and have your order delivered to you at Uber speed. Plus, payment is automatic—no cash, no card, no hassle. Please note that gift cards cannot be used on grocery orders.

Terms and Conditions

By using this gift card, you accept the following terms and conditions: This gift card can be used to credit your Uber® stored value account accessible via the Uber® or Uber Eats app within the UK in cities where Uber or Uber Eats is available. You may be required to add a secondary payment method to use this gift card with the Uber® or Uber Eats app. Limits may apply to amounts able to be loaded into your Uber account, and to the amount of spending from your Uber account. This card is issued by Uber B.V. Keep this gift card safe; issuer is not responsible for lost or stolen cards, or unauthorised use. For balance, full terms and conditions, and customer service, visit For any redemption issues, please use the help section in the app or visit Make sure you have the latest version of the Uber Eats app. You will need to create an Uber Money account if you do not already have one. Learn how to become eligible and register here - Go to the Payment section in the Uber Eats app. Tap Add Payment Method and select Gift Card. Enter Gift Code. Please note gift cards cannot be used on grocery orders.

Ready to buy?

This eGift Card and the others in our range are part of the GiftPay Flexi eGift Card, an instant, digital gift card that lets the recipient choose where to spend their gift. Sign up for a business account to get started, or contact us for more information.

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